
News Archive - 9 to 14 October 2007


14 October 2007:

Deadly volcanoes for sale

Man claims boss made him wear female clothing to work

Junk motorbike 'mistaken' for junk

Gestures can send you to prison for prostitution

13 October 2006:

Violinists deemed a noise nuisance

Pub locals fight off armed robbers

Teen's stunt fails, yet he survives

Family wants plastic pen tops banned - because they're a health hazard!

Taxi driver fined for smoking in his workplace - his empty taxi

12 October 2007:

Dentist: fondling breasts is appropriate

Performer gets third ear implanted on arm

Stowaway hides in aircraft wheel well

Marriage with robots by 2050?

Housework 'can cause asthma'

Squirrel causes power outage

11 October 2007:

Owner must put dog on diet or have it taken away

World's biggest Lancashire hotpot?

World's one and only toilet house

Man who married 18 000 times dies

Dog saves man from cat-induced fire

10 October 2007:

Man finds burglar sleeping in bed

Lesbian sues after being kicked out of bathroom for looking too manly

Contestant on truth-telling gameshow reveals she paid to have her husband killed

Vodka saves man's life

Barbie gets Muslim makeover

Boy goes to school in handcuffs

9 October 2007:

Cow in custody for traffic violations

New fashion craze among New Zealand kids: wearing slippers to school

Golden retriever looks after stray kitten

1 524 lb (691 kg) pumpkin

Cocaine from the sea

Football club gets escort agency sponsor

Oklahoma Suks beer

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