
News Archive - 4 to 12 May 2007


12 May 2007:

Get Well Soon with heroin

Prisoners get to use new driving simulator for free

Wacky proposal to get children to lose weight

Man converts flat into replica Star Trek ship

Theif gets caught in overpass - literally

11 May 2007:

Fascinating female sex survey reveals lesbian fantasies

Sat nav system leads student's car into oncoming train

Smoking in movies to affect their ratings

How to get out of paying a speeding ticket

Cop takes pot, calls 911

High winds, flooding and ADVERTISING cause Indian building to collapse

Playing with pubic hair said to make women more beautiful

10 May 2007:

Wearing a bicycle helmet actually attracts cars

Disabled man drives bed across town

1 000 newspapers stolen to avoid embarrassment

Process of going to the toilet in space finally explained

(Dead) body farms in the name of science

When digging for crystals, watch out for chemical warfare gear

Father hires strippers for son's birthday (lucky dog!)

Quibble over cleaning up dead deer bill

Homeless man sleeps in dumpster, gets loaded onto garbage truck

9 May 2007:

Half of all Britons lie about the origins of the food they serve to guests

Tarp saves toddler's life

Italian parents given DIY drug test kits for their kids

Prisoners smuggle in live budgie

Vibrator banned because of military interference

Man leaves incriminating murder plan on his laptop...

Don't take your driver's test drunk

8 May 2007:

Paris Hilton thinks that being a celebrity exempts her from jail

Vienna library opens erotic phoneline

Times Square richer than Panama, Bolivia

The Taiwanese take political conflict quite literally

Indian man struggles with authorities to prove that he is still alive

Wife gives husband a hard, painful surprise

7 May 2007:

It's your own fault: vandals capture themselves

This really is dirty money

Taliban support the disabled in a sick way

A night's sleep in three hours?

Man coughs up evidence

Live like there's no tomorrow - and find out there is

Iceberg lettuce saves the day

Bush mucks up another speech...

6 May 2007:

Biggest nude shoot ever

Most unnusual form of earache

Citizen roach hunters

Thief gives back victim's money, tries to return stolen vehicle

5 May 2007:

Spray paint doggy doo and it'll go away...

Fighting over milk has serious consequences

The lamest getaway vehicle...

'Missing' girl right under mother's nose

Bizarre bisexual cow

4 May 2007

Boy unwittingly discovers what urine tastes like

Boeing 737 stuck in Indian city street

Wacky chef exposes freshly shot deer carcass to diners

Woman tries to persaude authorities that she's not dead

Fire alarm used to sack staff

Dog told to go home - with spraypaint

A newd take on the car wash

Pick this up: a $1 million coin

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