
News Archive - 13 to 19 May 2007


19 May 2007:

Woman walks around for 63 years with bullet in her brain

Radiation-proof underpants

Naked man chases thief

Kids now have to worry about priests in addition to perverts

Woman grows horn out of her head

18 May 2007:

Spraypainter plays with fire and gets burnt

Strange lottery funding requests

Probation officer nabs man after seeing him on Jerry Springer

Guess who fails test 38 times? The principal

Man drives into and kills cow, cow kills man

Man rescued by neighbour - in the middle of the Carribean

17 May 2007:

Dogs saves man from burning house; man's cannabis crop discovered

Cow reprieved

Cannabis found in (very) Happy Meal

Man drowns in bucket of water

Bogus e-mail causes Apple stock to lose billions of dollars

16 May 2007:

Man gets huge payout for mosquito bite

Kitesurfing to work

Scientologists a weird bunch

$300 000 awarded to victim who was tapped by... a door

Woman's getaway vehicle: a limo

15 May 2007:

Pay your parking fines!

Student mugged by geese

Fastest sofa

Snakes found in, not on, videos

14 May 2007:

Man slaps rescue worker who revived him

Man's family mistakenly told that he's dead

Inert grenades turn up in strange places

Man shoots himself with... screwdriver and hammer

Biker gives speed camera the finger

13 May 2007:

Turtle tries to lay eggs on ice rink

93 year old floating bookshop visits Japan

Killed by an amulance...

Nudist colonies face ageing members

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